Boston Common Rally Calls To Make Early Education More Affordable In Massachusetts – WBZ Ch. 4 – CBS Boston

Hundreds of parents, educators, and daycare providers from across Massachusetts gathered for a rally on Boston Common Saturday. It was a call to action to make affordable high-quality early education and child care accessible to all.

“I am not sure how I will afford child care with student loans and rising rent costs across the state,” one woman said.

Several child care providers and single moms spoke out about the crisis the state’s child care system is facing and how important funding is needed.

“The child care system in Massachusetts is struggling to meet the needs of families and parents, but it’s also not working for providers who are struggling to keep their doors open. And it’s not working for workers who are not making a livable wage,” said another attendee.

Corissa Shular drove up from Springfield to join the rally with her son Jeremiah. She’s a single parent who had to wait a long time to find childcare and even a bigger struggle to maintain it.

Watch the full story


Massachusetts parents rally on Boston Common for affordable high-quality childcare and early education – Fall River Reporter


Demonstrators call for affordable early education and child care at ‘Playdate Rally’ – Boston Globe