Child care centers faced with myriad challenges as school districts start remote learning - Berkshire Eagle

By Danny Jin

The remote reopening of several school districts this week is presenting a slew of new challenges for child care centers, which have already made significant changes in response to the coronavirus pandemic.

"The majority of our parents are not able to work from home, so they need to have their children at the center there during the day," said Kelly Marion, CEO of the Gladys Allen Brigham Community Center in Pittsfield.

The remote start and the COVID-19 crisis have reduced centers' capacity and created other issues, particularly around internet access and transportation. There's also concern for the families who are no longer sending their children to centers, whether due to a safety choice or a lack of resources.

"My understanding is there are a whole lot of kids who aren't going to child care because the transportation is not there," said state Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier, D-Pittsfield.

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