Forum to explore Massachusetts' proposed affordable child care bill – Cape Cod Times

By Rachael Devaney

In the summer of 2019, Janae Mendes was forced to leave her job at a Cape Cod bank because she couldn’t afford summer child care for her 7-year-old daughter.

“Every place that was available wanted $400 per week,” said Mendes, now an outreach coordinator for the Cape & Islands chapter of Common Start Coalition. “I worked a stable job — it was the best job I ever had. It was very disheartening to have to leave.”

Mendes, 27, is just one of many local, working parents facing hardships as a lack of affordable child care becomes more of a crisis. As part of the Common Start Coalition, a statewide partnership of organizations, providers, parents, early educators and advocates, Mendes now reaches out to parents and child care providers to raise awareness surrounding affordable child care.

She will share her story at “Virtual Forum on Massachusetts Common Start Legislation: Understanding its Impact on Cape Cod's Families and Providers,"  from 10 to 11:30 a.m. on Saturday, Feb. 5.

Read the full story


Letter: Time to focus on child care spending – Gloucester Times


"Nobody wins. Everyone suffers": High cost of child care strains families – CBS Evening News