Letter: State should boost funding to meet demand for child-care grants – Boston Globe

By Deb Fastino

Child-care providers across Massachusetts are worried about the future of the “C3” grant program. And they’re not alone.

Parents struggling with the cost of child care, early educators who want a sustainable career, and anyone else who values our state’s economic health should share their concerns.

Publicly funded operational grants for child-care providers through the Commonwealth Cares for Children program are a core element of the Common Start vision of a high-quality early education and child-care system in Massachusetts that is truly affordable and accessible for all families. That’s because the funding allows child-care providers to increase compensation for underpaid educators — without raising tuition for families who can’t afford it.

Read the full story


Taming the country’s highest child care costs – Boston Globe


Greater Boston: Massachusetts parents could get a break in child care costs – GBH