New website breaks down Massachusetts early childhood systems – State House News Service

By Colin A. Young

With Beacon Hill poised to address the dual challenges of access and costs of early childhood education and care this session, advocates on Thursday launched a new website that aims to give lawmakers, parents and others a better view of the constellation of services and supports for children ages 5 and younger…

“There’s just some things you can only learn by being a parent. And one of those things is how unnecessary, and how complicated and challenging, child care is. Now, we all know that the first few years of a child’s life significantly shapes the foundation for their future. Yet far too many families struggle to find the resources to provide quality education and care for our youngest residents,” Rep. Adrian Madaro of East Boston said during the virtual launch event…

Last session, Madaro was among the chief sponsors of legislation backed by the Common Start Coalition, which backs a transition to universal early education and care. The bill Madaro filed with Rep. Ken Gordon and Sens. Jason Lewis and Sue Moran would have put Massachusetts on a course toward a system of universal early education and child care for all Massachusetts families over a five-year implementation timeline. The bill was redrafted by the Education Committee and never re-emerged after being sent to the House Ways and Means Committee last May.

“This session, we’ll be back at it again,” Madaro said Thursday, a day before the bill-filing deadline…

Early education and child care appears primed to be a major focus of investment and attention in the young legislative session with Gov. Maura Healey, House Speaker Ronald Mariano and Senate President Karen Spilka all on board…

Referencing the so-called Big Three’s statements of support for significant action on early childhood education and care, Madaro said Thursday that “there is no doubt in my mind that we have momentum on our side.”

Read the full story


Renewed Push for Affordable, High-Quality Early Education and Child Care Kicks Off With Filing of Bills to Advance Common Start Agenda


6 key issues to watch on Beacon Hill – GBH News