Norfolk County Perspectives on the Child Care Crisis

The Norfolk community has come together to speak out against the child care crisis and how it has had an impact on their families. Their stories reflect the urgent need for Common Start and how they would socially and economically benefit from the bill.

Meg W., a Cohasset business owner and parent “know[s] how crucial access is to affordable, quality child care. If I don’t show up in my business, I don’t make money. A lack of access to child care directly affects my ability to put food on my family’s table, a roof over their heads, and access to the medical care they need.”

Paula, another parent in Norfolk County, also speaks about her experience as a working parent: “High quality and affordable child care is very important to me and for any parent because as a working parent, it is important [to] be sure we leave our kids in a safe place where they develop learning competencies and social, emotional, and model skills… We really appreciate [an] investment in reliable, safe, affordable, and high-quality care for the development of all kids to ensure that all children have the same and equal access… regardless of race, gender, or economic background… to reach their full potential.”

Alexandra M., an educator, speaks to the benefits of Common Start saying that its passage “would mean that I am fairly paid and do not have to pour the small amount of money that I get back into my classroom.”

Norfolk parents and educators support Common Start in hopes of a more equitable future for all generations.

A Common Start.

A Stronger Future.


Commission urges $1.5B investment in early education – State House News Service


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