Alexandra M. - Educator

“I am passionate about working with children because I believe that with the guidance of an encouraging adult, they can grow up to become amazing people.”

What would affordable, high-quality early education and child care mean for you?

“It would mean that I am fairly paid and do not have to pour the small amount of money that I get back into my classroom. Because I’m passionate about creating a stimulating and healthy environment for these children, it means I end up purchasing things myself for my classroom. And I definitely do not make enough in the first place, so I shouldn’t even be doing that.”

What else should lawmakers and policymakers know about your childcare/early education needs?

“There is an expectation that because there aren’t enough staff that we should be coming into work sick. But then all the other educators and our students get sick. There aren’t enough staff in the first place because of pay, therefore due to the lack of funds, there are unrealistic expectations.”


Amanda H. - Parent