Alyssa D. - Educator

[Name changed at request of participant]

I started working in the childcare field about three years ago. My freshman year of high school I had to choose my shop for the next four years. Since the 6th grade I had my heart set on early childhood education. It has been the best three years of my life, and I love every second of it. I knew from the first day that working with children was what I was meant to do. When I think of my future, I would love to continue on working in this field. The pay is something I feel should be talked about. In my future as an early childhood educator, I would like to see a raise in pay. Minimum wage for educators is not enough. Education to me is the most important job in the world, and to have such a important job is pressuring and the workers should be paid much more.

I feel if early education and child care programs were high-quality and affordable then life for educators and parents would be great. Having an affordable program is so helpful. Not many people can afford such a program and I feel that it should be accessible for everyone.


Michaela B. - Educator


Faith T. - Educator