Amy F. - Provider

We currently have a seven page waitlist. We would love to build out our second floor to provide care for more children, however staffing is a major issue. The pay is comparable, if not more, to other Centers in the area and the industry, but as we know, child care wages are not livable wages. The staff we have work above and beyond to care for the children. Not only do they work their scheduled shift, they work to cover other shifts leading to 10-12 hour work days.

There are Centers that have to close some days due to lack of staff. Hiring more staff is close to impossible, and I’m not sure why. If we’re able to offer higher wages through the funding in Common Start, it may help to hire and retain great staff. Parents often call looking for full-time child care, and end up taking what is available - usually less days than what they need, hoping that other days will open up. This means patching together child care until then just to be able to work. As most Early Childhood Directors and staff, we work with what we have and we’re dedicated to doing our best for our children and families.


Katy J. - Organizer


Sabrina - Parent