Chloe B. Educator

“I am a student at a high school learning to become an early childhood educator. I've seen that many parents are not able to bring their own children to day care or whatever learning program they are going to. Most of the children are dropped off by their grandparents or a close relative. It can be hard for some parents to provide a good education for their children and there are many parents who can't afford to put their children in a school. This can be very stressful for parents because they are not able to give their children the education they need due to a financial issue.”

What would the existence of an affordable, high-quality early education and child care program mean for you as an educator? What would be different if such a program existed?

“This would mean that all children would be able to get an education no matter their financial state. If this existed, we would see many more children in our schools.”

What else should lawmakers and policymakers know about your needs as an educator, especially as we recover from the COVID-19 crisis?

“Teachers need to be able to have all the supplies they need in order to be able to teach children properly.”


Rylie F. - Educator


Yasmin F. - Educator