Victoria W. - Parent

What does childcare mean to you?

“Childcare ensures that I can work and care for my daughter. If I did not have it, it would impact our family financially.”

What would affordable, high-quality early education and child care mean for your family? What would be different if you had access to such a program?

“As mentioned, we need care for my daughter. As a childcare worker, fair compensation is incredibly important to me. I also understand that our facility can only pay me with the funds available, so any help to increase those funds would be wonderful.”

What else should lawmakers and policymakers know about your childcare/early education needs, especially as we recover from the COVID-19 crisis?

“Additional funds for childcare helps everyone, but proportionally more women as they are often the person giving up work to stay home with a child. Help parents, help WOMEN, be able to work while affording childcare.”


Hannah J. - Parent


Rosario - Cuidador/Educador