Hannah J. - Parent

[Name changed at request of participant]

Please share your child care story.

“My son is 2 years old, but he was 1 at the start of COVID. I am lucky enough to have the support of my parents and parents-in-law, who help watch him three days a week. I work and care for him simultaneously on the fourth day. Admittedly, he ends up watching too much television while I work from home and I am so grateful to have family care the other days so he is nurtured and engaged with. I work for a non-profit and my husband is a teacher. As we plan for him to enter pre-school I struggle to figure out where the funds will come from. The engagement with other kids and instruction from a teach will be so important for his development. I am anxious to make sure we can place him in a quality childcare facility that is also affordable with our income.”

What would affordable, high-quality early education and child care mean for your family? What would be different if you had access to such a program?

“I currently work just four days a week so I can care for my son. Affordable childcare would allow me to consider going back full-time.”


Anonymous - Provider


Victoria W. - Parent