Cassidy V. - Educator

“Since 2018, I've been in high school learning to become an Early Educator. I started working in this field because working with children and being around them has always been a passion of mine. This field is so rewarding to work in and I see that daily. As an educator, I see a lot of families who can't afford to put their children in early care. I'm concerned for these families, it's not an equal field for all children as of right now. This stage of development is so crucial for children. Affordable early care would put everyone on an equal playing field.

All children would be on an equal playing field. Research has shown how important this stage of development is. I think the outcome for many children would be more positive if everyone had better access to early education. We need time and resources. It's not easy as an Educator to keep young children from following covid guidelines. We need more funding than ever this school year.

COVID-19 has been an overall struggle as an educator. Doing everything online for a little while, without the student-to-teacher interaction specifically. Sometimes you feel like your students aren't getting the education they deserve because of the pandemic. We're all really trying our hardest! I'm concerned about teaching the youngest children about germs and sickness, I feel like the younger groups won't understand it, and because of that, they may not take it seriously. It's a learning experience for everyone in the childcare field right now. We're all gonna have so much trial and error in the upcoming months.”


Megan M. - Educator


Brooke M. - Educator