Elya R. - Educator

[Name changed at the request of participant]:

“I have been in this field for almost 4 years now. I wanted to be an educator to not only prepare children for their future but to also provide a safe and loving environment where children can have fun. Children should be able to trust a teacher and providing them with these factors is essential. Right now, there is not enough funding for education. Teachers have to use their own money to buy expensive supplies and resources that should already be provided to them by the school system. Teachers struggle to provide the necessary materials due to defunding of education and continue to not be paid enough. Teachers have a low income that causes them to struggle not only to give the resources needed in a classroom but also with their home life. It's not fair that the people who are quite literally preparing the people of the future are not able to afford what they need to prepare these children. These children need a good education and not being able to provide them resources to prepare them makes no sense.

Having an affordable, high-quality early education and childcare program would mean the world to me. To have low-income families actually afford an education for their child(ren) is absolutely necessary. A big difference would be made. Please stop defunding education. If you want the future to be better, then be sure to fund education and provide the materials to move forward for these children.

As an educator, COVID-19 has prevented me from seeing my students. To not physically be able to be with them saddens me. It has also made it harder to teach them. I am worried that children will be in danger as the schools reopen. It's not even close to safe yet.”


Grace F. - Educator


Sam S. - Educator