Faye T. - Educator

[Name changed at the request of participant]:

“I've been in the early childhood education program for 4 years and I have been a babysitter since I was 12 years old. Some of the biggest obstacles would have to be children fighting and getting aggressive in the classroom or at home, where the homes seem to be disadvantaging the children. The system needs to fix the home’s that children can be put in. Some housing systems are worse and more traumatic than their original living system.

It would allow us to have more resources and more opportunities for better lessons and ways of giving children new and improved education. I feel safety would be better in a bigger more improved room and the way lessons are taught…

It has allowed us to miss our children's graduation and miss out on tons of opportunities and lessons we could have shared with them. I’m nervous about the children putting everything in their mouth and not listening and a child getting sick from something we could have avoided.”


Alexia B. - Educator


Michaela B. - Educator