Heather P. - Parent

“Childcare is a must in my family. I have an almost 3 year old son who has been attending the same daycare since he was about 8 months old. My fiance works full time and I am a full time student. I have had many many issues with his daycare. I am lucky enough to receive PACE which pays for my childcare, but i know not everyone has that luxury.”

“I have many issues. A few of them include the pay these teachers receive. They are burnt out and unmotivated in turn affecting our children's education and day to day environment. Since my son being the age he is he has recently transitioned into a different room (bigger kids), and since doing so has become almost a different kid. The law is different for that age group where the prior room it was 4 kids to one teacher and now it is 10 kids per teacher resulting in a VERY chaotic environment for my son making me feel like all the hard work and time I put in to be a good mom and my fiance to be a good dad is counterproductive when he is at school almost more than he is home. Prior to this transition he never hit or was bad, and this last month has been very stressful for his teachers, his dad and I, and his E.I. workers trying to come up with a solution. The only solution so far is to switch daycare's to a more structured environment to help my son thrive. We are currently doing the paperwork and what not to continue with this process but he is still at the same daycare. These are just some of the many issues I have faced being a mom who needs childcare.”

What would affordable, high-quality early education and child care mean for your family? What would be different if you had access to such a program?

“I think having more qualified early educators would solve an abundant amount of issues currently going on. One thing I think so many don't realize is that many of these kids are in a daycare or school more than they are home. This means these teachers have a huge part in helping to mold our children's ultimate being. That is a huge responsibility that should not just be given to anyone. Children know nothing but what they see, hear, and experience.”


Darlene - Parent


Sophia - Parent