Sophia - Parent

[Name changed at request of participant]

“Child care was very important to my family back when I needed it. My children are now 10, 12 and 14. I struggled a lot when my children were smaller because I did not have child care and I had to go to work to support my family. First I had my two older sons babysit but when they couldn't I had to pay a family member to babysit when she was available. I had no vehicle at that time so I had to taxi to the babysitter. I was really struggling to support my family as a big amount of my check went to babysitter and taxi. Later when I couldn't keep paying a babysitter I had to quit my job. Now that my kids are older and no longer need a baby sitter I went back to work. But even now that they no longer need a baby sitter I can't afford a summer program because I do not have a voucher and summer camps/programs are ridiculous expensive.”

What would affordable, high-quality early education and child care mean for you?

“Having affordable childcare/after-school programs and summer camps means tremendous relief not only for my family but for so many families in MA. The ease of knowing that your kids are at a safe place while you are at work - it has no words. I grew up in the city of Lynn and I remember going to free summer camps every summer; a bus used to pick us up and drop us off and kids were safer back then and not exposed to as much violence as our kids are these days. If I had access to an affordable summer program I would be at ease knowing that my children are socializing with other kids, enjoying the summer in a safe, fun place where they can be kids and not being exposed to the violence of the streets, tv and video games.”


Heather P. - Parent


Katherine L. - Parent