Jacqueline V. - Parent

“I have lived in Massachusetts for 5 years. My son is 7. I have never had consistent child care since I’ve been here and have worked most of the 5 years I’ve lived here. I don’t have family in the state besides my daughter which is 25 yo and has helped me throughout the 5 years. The first time I was offered childcare I had to pay almost $1,000 a month and that was $100 more than my rent at the time. He was there for about 2 months and my son came home horribly scratched across his entire face. I decided to stay home with him at that time for almost a year. He went back on the statewide wait list. They have offered childcare but never at a convenient location or provided a moving transfer. For some time I paid for childcare at a Tai Kwon Do school but it was limited because of the cost so I would have him there only 3 days a week and it wasn’t through the state although they accepted vouchers. We’re all home now due to Covid but that is also for a limited time and when I’m required to go back I still will not have reliable childcare. I’m working now and because of an increase in income they took my child off the waitlist. I’m a single mother and will have to work with no reliable consistent childcare.”


Josh D. - Parent


Thea - Parent