Ana R. - Educator
Eboni R. - Parent
Shawna M. - Parent
Jenni T. - Parent
Blair A. - Parent
Angelik W. - Parent
Blair - Educator
Aubrey - Parent
“I do have a New England Farm Workers voucher in order to pay for childcare and I am grateful for that because I wouldn't be able to utilize child care if I had to pay full tuition out of pocket. As my daughter is getting older I feel like I need something more in the schools for after school care.”
Tatiana - Educator
“I started working as an educator because I enjoy teaching them new things and seeing them learn while in my care.”
Shanice C. - Parent
“Although our Sophia is back at school she remains traumatized, she asks questions of when the “virus” will end, so she can play with her friends, no longer wear a mask and hug people she loves. Yesterday, she said ‘if I cannot play with my friends, why am I back in school?’ How do we encourage and teach social-emotional behavior from a distance?”
Dolores Paniagua N. - Parent
“Currently I have a great job. Full time and good pay. But I struggle find a childcare that will take care of my daughter on Saturdays which has me considering quitting my job. I don't like to call out often.”
Josh D. - Parent
“We have had to cut many things or even increase a work load to afford the childcare. Currently, during Covid-19, with no childcare, it has been difficult as 2 working parents and having to both work and be teacher at home.”
Jacqueline V. - Parent
“For some time I paid for childcare at a Tai Kwon Do school but it was limited because of the cost so I would have him there only 3 days a week. We’re all home now due to Covid but that is also for a limited time and when I’m required to go back I still will not have reliable childcare.”
Thea - Parent
“To me childcare means safety: knowing my child is in a safe environment and well taken care of while I'm able to work. Due to childcare expenses I've had to work extra or even skip on some household bills to allow my child to keep his slot.”
Maureen P. - Parent
Joan K. - Educator
Desmond C. - Advocate
Cheryl M. - Educator
Amy O. - Advocate
Jason F. - Parent
“We would love to have more children but currently the cost of child care is preventing that. As it stands, we will have to wait until our daughter can attend public schools before we could consider responsibly having another child. The cost of daycare is literally the only thing preventing us from growing our family.”