Jason F. - Parent

“My wife and I currently have a 7 month old daughter. We love being parents. We're both excellent parents, very engaged and we make sure our daughter has everything she needs. We would love to have more children but currently the cost of child care is preventing that. As it stands, we will have to wait until our daughter can attend public schools before we could consider responsibly having another child. If child care costs were reduced or eliminated, we would certainly have 1 or 2 more children. Even some type of stipend to reduce the current costs would allow us to move forward with our plans as a family.”

“We currently spend $57 per day on child care. We love our daycare and understand the costs they take on. Their employees are under compensated in my opinion. There really isn’t any way to reduce the costs without some government intervention. If we had access to more affordable child care my wife would be able to work 5 days per week rather then her current 3. Also we would be able to move forward in a responsible way in having a second and possibly third child. The cost of daycare is literally the only thing preventing us from growing our family.”


Amy O. - Advocate


Shaitia S. - Parent