Skyla C. - Educator

“I am an early childhood educator in a vocational school. I have been in this career for almost 3 years now. I feel like early childhood education is an essential to every child. Early childhood education provides nothing but benefits for a child. These benefits include learning basic skills like zipping your coat, cleaning your plate, etc. It also helps children to spell their name, learn colors, learn basic math skills, learn motor skills, etc. Not only does school help them learn but it helps their emotional and social development. They are able to make friends and connect with other children.”

“Some children aren't able to get an early education due to financial reasons. Maybe they have a low income or maybe the school is just to expensive. It is not fair that some children are able to get an early education and benefit from it because of their financial status. Children need an education so they can go to kindergarten with a good education and foundation for their learning.”


Emma S. - Educator


Madison A. - Educator