Alexandra S. - Childcare/Early Educator

“I began working in the childcare field my freshman year of high school as a student teacher in a trade school, GNBVT. I continued working with children as a babysitter, daycare center worker, and in a preschool classroom in my high school. I think there are varying issues in daycare centers and in school systems, that sometimes overlap. I have worked with a select number of children one on one to develop coping & management skills as well as classrooms as a whole. An affordable & quality child care education for all would allow children to grow at a developmentally appropriate pace, but still, unequal opportunities for young children are still an issue. As America strives to recover from the pandemic I think it’s imperative that pay and resources be increased and made more available to all centers and schools. The national pandemic has made educating more strenuous & challenging, especially considering the constantly changing and updating of standards, which teachers are expected to uphold.”


Sam S. - Educator


Beth B. - Educator