Alexia B. - Educator

I've worked in the early childhood education field for 3 years. I started working as an educator because of my love for children and the need to be a part of something to help make the world better through youth. Obstacles I deal with are mood swings from children and sometimes we want to do things for lessons that we can't because we need objects that are not provided in the classroom. Then we need to go out and get them ourselves which can cost a lot which makes it difficult due to the low income we make. Childcare educators should be paid way more than we are. We help secure the building blocks of a child's education which helps them throughout their lives. Without us almost nobody would be where they are today. Teachers are not getting paid enough soon they will be short on staff then who will teach them? It's scientifically proven that for younger children it's super important to teach them early.

What would the existence of an affordable, high-quality early education and child care program mean for you as an educator? What would be different if such a program existed?

It would benefit everyone. More educators means more teaching for children who need it. It also means more tools that can be provided with them for teaching. Being paid more can change everything. Even though teaching can be hard and is super stressful if teachers were to get paid enough not as many would drop out and retire.

What else should lawmakers and policymakers know about your needs as an educator?

Schools should be provided with a variety of tools that meet the criteria of the school as well as good school conditions and activities for children to do in order to keep them healthy happy and safe.


Kaiya R. - Educator


Ellian M. - Educator